
people executed by the united kingdom by firing squad معنى

  • أشخاص أعدمتهم المملكة المتحدة رميا بالرصاص
  • people    n. جماعة من الناس, ...
  • people executed by the united kingdom    أشخاص أعدموا من قب ...
  • executed    adj. منجز, منفذ, م ...
  • by    adv. من طريق, في س ...
  • the    ال, لام التعريفH&# ...
  • the united    المتحدين (فيلم)
  • united    adj. مرتبط, متصل, ...
  • united kingdom    المملكة المتحدة
  • kingdom    n. مملكة, ملكوت, ع ...
  • by    adv. من طريق, في س ...
  • firing    n. حرق, خبز الخزف, ...
  • firing squad    فرقة إطلاق النار, ...
  • squad    n. زمرة, فرقة, مجم ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. people executed by the umayyad caliphate معنى
  2. people executed by the united kingdom معنى
  3. people executed by the united kingdom by burning معنى
  4. people executed by the united kingdom by decapitation معنى
  5. people executed by the united kingdom by firearm معنى
  6. people executed by the united kingdom by hanging معنى
  7. people executed by the united states معنى
  8. people executed by the united states by firing squad معنى
  9. people executed by the united states by hanging معنى
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